Biyernes, Oktubre 11, 2013

SERBIS (SERVICE) by Briliante Mendoza

  Serbis is a movie which basically revolved around a porno theater  which is owned by the Pineda family the film the whole film was actually filmed in that theater.
            Gays often come there not to watch the porno films but to get service from boys who needs money by service I mean sexual service.
            The film showed what people can do in middle of poverty. Although the scenes where the camera is tracking the characters through the corridors took a lot of time it also showed the lives of people that is caged in that kind of lifestyle how they can't get away and their successors will also get the life that tey get used to.
             I really liked the color of the whole film how yellowish each frame looks and how genuine each of the characters emotions are.

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